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  3. <strong>Creating a Fundraiser</strong>

Creating a Fundraiser

Fundraisers are a way to connect your event with the community by raising money and awareness for an important cause. 

To create a fundraiser, Click the Fundraising Tab on the left-hand side menu and then select the Create New Fundraiser Button on the upper right-hand side of the page and enter in all of the details of your fundraiser. 

  • Fundraiser title is the name the participant sees
  • Report name is the name only shown in reporting 
  • Deadline is the date that you would like the fundraiser to end 
  • Minimum goal is the least amount of money each participant must raise 
  • Suggested donation is the preset amounts that people can quickly choose to donate (you can also add your own preset amount by entering it in the text box and Clicking Add.)
  • Short Url is a custom link to the fundraising page 
  • By selecting Automatically create a fundraiser for each new registration, you are indicating that each participant that signs up is creating their own individual fundraiser and fundraising page. 
  • By selecting, Participants must be part of a Squad, you are indicating that participants must be in teams when participating in the fundraiser. Leaving the checkbox empty means that participants have the option of going solo or being in a squad. 

Click Save.

Updated on August 7, 2024

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