Fundraisers can be edited in the following categories: Edit Details, Call to Action, Default Story, Fundraiser Welcome Email, Manage Squads, Incentives, Rewards, Turn On.
In order to get to the editing screen, Click on the Fundraising Tab on the left-hand side menu and Select the Fundraiser you would like to Edit. Then, Click on one of the blue Buttons which indicate what aspect of the Fundraiser you would like to work on.
Choose Activities
By Clicking Choose Activities, you can select the activity that you would like to attach the fundraiser to so that athletes have the opportunity to donate to the cause.
Select the year of the event and the event name from the drop-down menus, then choose the activities that come up after you have chosen the event.
Edit Details
In the Edit Details section, you are able to access the information set in place when you initially created the fundraiser and edit it at your convenience.
Here you can change the Fundraiser Title, Report name, Deadline, Minimum Goal, Suggested Donations, Short URL, etc.
Call To Action
A Call to Action is an important part of setting up a fundraising event because it is the content that is shown during the registration process that encourages people to donate to the cause.
By Clicking on the text box, you can write a paragraph and Click Save.
Default Story
A Default Story is the text that convinces people to donate to the fundraiser. This text should include information about the cause and why they should be a part of it.
When setting up a fundraising page, this will be the default template so that participants don’t have to write something from scratch unless they wish to do so.
Fundraiser Welcome Email
When a fundraising participant registers and their fundraising page is created, they will receive a Welcome email with more information and next steps regarding the fundraiser that they just signed up for.
By clicking on the textbox, you can write the email content and Click Save.
Manage Squads
Squads are fundraising teams that come together to raise money for a cause instead of doing so individually. This way, there are more people working in cooperation to raise even more money for something important.
To create a new squad, Click on the Manage Squad Button, then the Add Squad Button the the upper right-hand side of the page. Fill in the Squad Name and choose whether or not the “captain must approve new members” or not. Then, write a description of the squad details and Click Save.
You can search individual Squad names in the Search bar on the Squad List, or you can delete them by Clicking the red Trash Can Icon to the right of the Squad name.
The Pop-Out Icon next to the red Trash Can Icon leads you to the public squad page
Incentives are short term prizes that you can set up to get participants motivated to raise money. For example:”Raise $100 in the next 24 hours and get a T-shirt” or “Everyone who raises $1000 overall gets a bike jersey.”
To do this, Click on the Incentives button and Click Add Incentive. Choose an Incentive Name, which is the one your participants will see, and a Report Name (the one that is for report purposes only). Choose whether the Incentive Type will focus on “dollars raised” or “total donations.” Insert your Minimum Goal for money raised and the start/end date, along with a brief description of the incentive and how it works in the Text Box before Clicking Save.
If needed, you can delete an incentive by clicking on the red Trash Can Icon can on the right-hand side of the incentive page.
Rewards are prizes for longterm amounts made in a fundraiser.
To create a Reward, Click on the Rewards button and then the Add Reward Button. Next, fill in the Reward Name (which is the one your participants will see), the Report Name (the one that is for report purposes only). Insert the Minimum Goal, which is the amount the participant needs to raise to earn the reward.
If the reward has “Options” like size or color, etc. Click on Edit Options and insert the options in the text box and Click Update.
Finally, enter a description in the text-box for the reward you have created and Click Save.
Turn On
By Clicking this button, you will have turned your fundraiser on and it will then read “turn off.” In order to turn off, Click the button again and it will read “turn on.”
Add a header block to begin generating the table of contents. This block will automatically update. Alternatively manually add items using the + button below. Once you have added at least one item this message will disappear.