Manage volunteers by going to the Volunteer tab on the left hand side bar. Then Click on the Volunteer Opportunity for the Event.
To manage volunteers at a micro-level, pick a specific position and Click on the group of people icon to the far right of the bar. On this roster you can assign captains, transfer a volunteer to a new position, delete a volunteer, check-in a volunteer and see check-in status. On this page you can multi-sort volunteers by Clicking on the column headings.
Position Roster
To pull up a full roster of volunteers for a specific position, Click on the group of people icon to the far right of that position in the Volunteer page.
You have the option to Copy, CSV, Excel, PDF or Print the roster list on the far left of the page.
Enter a Volunteers Name in the filter box on the right hand side of the page to quickly find a specific volunteer.
You can assign captains to specific volunteer positions. To do this, go to the volunteer roster for a specific position and on the far left of the volunteer’s information row there is an outline of a star. Click on the Star to assign the volunteer to be a captain.
A captain can add a co-captain, manage emails for all volunteers of their position and check-in volunteers on the morning of the race.
Transfer a Volunteer
Within the position roster, you can transfer a volunteer to another position. Click on the Double Arrow button on the far right side of the volunteer’s name to transfer a volunteer to another position.
Delete a Volunteer
In the position roster list, delete a volunteer by Clicking the Red Trash Can on the far right side of the volunteer’s name.
Checking-in a Volunteer
To check-in a volunteer, go to the position roster. On the second column, titled “Check-In,” Click on the Red dot to turn it Green. If you accidentally click the check-in on the wrong person you can click it again to turn it back to Red.
Viewing Volunteer Check-In Status
On the volunteer position roster, you can view the check-in status by the second column on the roster. Red means not checked-in and Green means checked-in.