Test Registrations

Before taking your event live, we highly encourage you to perform a test registration (or two). Test registrations use a special credit card number to complete a registration that shows you what the participant will see. Using the test card will:

  • Show the post-transaction confirmation on screen.
  • Send the post-transaction email to your account.
  • Trigger referral notifications (if enabled for the activity).
  • Be searchable in the participant management system.

Test card purchases will not:

  • Increment your dashboard count.
  • Be included in participant totals in reports such as merchandise, registration timeline, etc.
  • Export if voided registrations are not included.

How to Perform a Test Registration

In order to perform a Test Registration, sign up for the event and at the check-out page, Click on the credit card icon next to where it says “Pay with Card.”

Next, Click on the bigger credit card icon that will appear to the to the right of the other payment options and Select the button that says “Complete Test Registration.”

This will then take you to the purchase confirmation page showing if the test transaction was successful.

Updated on July 26, 2024

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